Can the private sector lead the fight against malnutrition?

Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN)
To accelerate private sector role in fighting the battle against malnutrition
A roadmap to build awareness and incentivize private sector activity in the nutrition sector
Globally, malnutrition affects around 3.5 billion people and it is estimated that the effects of undernutrition can cost a country 11% of its GDP. As our world experiences rapid development and urbanization, more and more people buy their food from shops, vendors, supermarkets, and restaurants. The food we eat is the source of most of the nutrients we consume—and most of the food we eat reaches us through the private sector.
Intellecap partnered with the Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition to accelerate private sector role in fighting the battle against malnutrition. The focus of the partnership was to i) showcase and demonstrate high potential business cases in the nutrition sector ii) build awareness and incentivize capital flow into the sector.
The session also showcased 5 enterprises and discussed interventions to accelerate their growth. The showcased enterprises were:
● David Wanjau, Deevabits Kenya Ltd
● Consolata Bryant, Organi Ltd
● Timothy Busienei, Tarakwo Dairies
● Abdul Cauio, Miruku Agro-Industria
● Hesbon Mbogo, Honeycare Africa
Through the partnership, we brought together 50+ stakeholders to discuss emerging challenges and build a roadmap for increased activity among private sector organizations. 2 key insights emerged from the discussions:
● Critical success factors for the sector: 3 metrics were identified that influence success of business models in the nutrition sector: Access, Demand, and Quality. Access ensures that consumers can find and purchase the product; Demand ensures that they will want to buy it and Quality ensures that foods are both safe and nutritious.
● Channel Capital into Technology and Infrastructure: Technology and infrastructure are the biggest bottle neck to scaling quality and access of nutritious food. Debt financing is the most critical need for such business followed by equity capital for infrastructure such as cold chains and packaging.