Competing for Finite Resources – Water Matters!

Mar 22 2017
Global water crises – from drought in the world’s most productive farmlands to the millions of people without access to safe drinking water – are the biggest threat facing the planet over the next decade. With increasing demand, due to the growing population and unsustainable lifestyle, many countries are facing severe water crises. In the absence of suitable corrective measures, many developing countries including India will have to face crisis of water scarcity.
The Indian Context
India is not water poor country, availability of rain water, surface and ground water are not an imperative problem, but inequity due to population growth, rapid urbanization and inefficient resource management, water is becoming a scarce commodity. This crisis is an emergency and calls for attention by all the stakeholders to make sustainable and intelligent use of the available
With ~25% (estimated) Increase in population the demand rises by ~360 billion m3 and the supply drops by ~1065 billion m3 and this being only for domestic consumption. By 2050, the amount of ground and surface water available for supply is estimate to have dropped by more than 40%. While there is increased emphasis on equitable access, affordability, quality water availability, recycle / reuse and several conservation initiatives, efficient utilization of existing water across dimensions of usage becomes an impetus to meet the future water demand.
Efficiency is the key
A concerted effort is required to bring in a paradigm shift in approach to achieve higher standards of efficiency in water use across sectors involving all stakeholders central and state government, municipalities, industries etc. While rebuilding and modernizing a massive water systems offer an opportunity to chart a sustainable, prosperous course for the nation. These are not the only solution to resolve water scarcity and stress. Investments in form of capital, advanced technology, process and good governance in water can futureproof a nation like India against water crisis. While there are different approaches (mainly top down) of standards, regulations guiding industrial consumption of water for increased efficiency bearing reuse and recycle of water, there are several other sectors which are still not under the purview for good water management practices. Applying good governance and particularly the principles of equity, transparency and accountability in water management across industrial, agriculture and domestic use can ease the intensity of the problem. With a mere 1% improved utilization of groundwater, 150 litres per day per capita for 500000 individuals can be created.
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