Who We Are
Established in 2004, NRMC is a social impact advisory and research firm in the development sector that provides evidence-based solutions for sustainable, equitable and inclusive development.

At NRMC, we are driven by the enthusiasm to positively affect people and their environment. Over the last 2 decades, we have learned a lot about how to be a mission-driven organization to affect real change. Our work encompasses a broad array of developmental concerns. We endeavour to provide services that enhance capacities at national, regional and global level with in-depth, impartial and well-informed research and advisory.
Who we work with
We work with institutions that share our purpose of accelerating the shift to a sustainable future.
With our presence spanning across India, South Asia and South-East Asia, we work extensively with national and state governments, bilateral and multi-lateral organizations, international charities, NGOs, and corporates to deliver large scale impact.
Community needs and aspirations drive us to ensure that we deliver contextual, scalable solutions on behalf of our clients and partners.

Our offerings
We work with organizations to co-create, implement, track, and evaluate new and existing programs to ensure sustainable and meaningful impact.
Our engagement with the lifecycle of development projects include:
Program design
NRMC recognises and strengthens local expertise to sensitively build on local cultural and institutional strengths while identifying and addressing potential opportunities.
XProgram design
NRMC recognises and strengthens local expertise to sensitively build on local cultural and institutional strengths while identifying and addressing potential opportunities.
We ensure ownership of intellectual property and technologies developed such that local communities and authorities are as deeply invested in interventions and those creating them.
NRMC’s program design enables communities to take charge of their own development.
Our focus on context driven solutions is all down to the fact that we don’t stop at outputs. We seek outcomes and lasting impact.
Human Centred Program Design (HCD)
Using principles of design thinking and behavioural sciences, we create grounded program strategies, focused on the felt needs of the communities we serve.
Built on nearly two decades of on-ground experience, NRMC founded a social impact lab to rethink development strategies and solutions. Learn more on NRMC’s specialized unit for HCD on www.the-nil-lab.in
NRMC uses approaches and techniques to closely connect with communities in designing developmental programs. Consumer centric design and co-creation workshops, Trials for Improved Practices (TIPS) are few of the tools used for this purpose.
Program management
NRMC's adaptive management approach and practices represent innovative, current thinking on resolving conflicting demands and adjusting to changing social preferences and priorities.
XProgram management
NRMC’s adaptive management approach and practices represent innovative, current thinking on resolving conflicting demands and adjusting to changing social preferences and priorities. This management style is intended towards increasing timely responses in the face of new information and in a setting of varied stakeholder objectives and preferences. Our adaptive and dynamic management approach contributes to learning and has resulted in effective and efficient management of various large-scale programmes in the past.
We catalyse impact by promoting synergy and convergence between appropriate local, regional, and national institutions, agencies and programs to enhance impact and sustainability.
The focus remains on adaptive systems and processes to manage projects at scale, ensuring realisation of project objectives, timelines and value for money.
Monitoring, evaluation and learning
We help clients make evidence-based decisions, integrate sustainability into their interventions and create innovative solutions.
XMonitoring, evaluation and learning
We help clients make evidence-based decisions, integrate sustainability into their interventions and create innovative solutions.
Committed towards achieving effective and sustainable solutions, our advisory and research is centred on synthesis of big data and nuanced insights.
Committed towards achieving effective and sustainable solutions, our advisory and research is centred on synthesis of big data and nuanced insights gathered through rigorous qualitative and quantitative approaches. Our in-depth research serves as a critical knowledge base for communities and clients in taking forward programmes towards realisation of crucial developmental goals and aspirations.
Committed towards achieving effective and sustainable solutions, our research and advisory is centred on synthesis of big data and gathering nuanced insights through rigorous qualitative and quantitative approaches.
Communication and Knowledge Management
NRMC works to ensure collation of lessons learnt and best practices from various programmes implemented by our clients.
XCommunication and Knowledge Management
NRMC works to ensure collation of lessons learnt and best practices from various programmes implemented by our clients. We employ a range of approaches to gather lessons and develop knowledge management platforms that allow for proliferation of knowledge for replication and advancement.
As a convener, dialogue instigator and guide to practical solutions, we identify and assemble stakeholders and develop areas where they can collaborate to transform systems.
Corporate Engagement
NRMC helps its clients establish strong CSR profiles that improve visibility and strengthen relationships and reputation among key stakeholders.
XCorporate Engagement
We guide organizations in setting, tracking and integrating high-impact objectives and metrics that supports their strategy and success.
NRMC helps its clients establish strong CSR profiles that improve visibility and strengthen relationships and reputation among key stakeholders.
Linking CSR interventions with flagship government programs to facilitate strategic and effective partnerships remains a distinctive feature of our approach.

Our Thematic Expertise
NRM & Related Livelihoods
Levers for Change
- Multi-stakeholder collaboration
- Livelihood-linked sustained NR management
- Strengthened Local Institutions/Community Participation
- Participatory approaches to programme design and assessment
- Gender and Social Justice
Health & Nutrition
Levers for Change
- Participatory approaches to programme design and assessment
- Public Health & Nutrition as a Human Right
- Gender and Social Justice
- Behavioural insights to reimagine access (demand) and delivery (supply) of public health & nutrition
Child Rights & Education
Levers for Change
- Participatory approaches to programme design and assessment
- Strengthened child protection systems
- Life cycle approach to child development
- Gender and Social Justice
- Normative shift to curtail violence, exploitation and abuse
Land Governance
Levers for Change
- Multi-stakeholder collaboration for building momentum
- Inclusion in land governance; recognition of the needs of the marginalised groups
- Expanded scope using a multi-sectoral and multi-disciplinary approach
- Locally responsive
- Leverage technology to build transparency, and ensure accountability
- https://centerforland.org/
Levers for Change
- View systemic change using gender lens
- Transformative shift in social norms
- Behavioural insights to reimagine gender relations and power dynamics
- Acknowledgement of contextual complexities
- Agency as a tool to experience individuality (by making free choices)
NRMC Publications
Laos, School Feeding Programme (2014-2016): an endline evaluation
Published: 25, October, 2018 -
2018 India: End line Evaluation of GARIMA Project in Uttar Pradesh (2013-2016) for UNICEF
Published: 25, June, 2017 -
Mid-Term Evaluation of WFP School-Feeding USDA Mc Govern Dole Grant for FY 2017-2020 in Bangladesh (2019-20)
Published: 25, Feb, 2020
Merger by Absorption of NR Management Consultants India Pvt. Ltd. by Intellecap Advisory Services Pvt. Ltd. Click Here
Notice of Merger by Absorption of NR Management Consultants India Pvt. Ltd. by Intellecap Advisory Services Pvt. Ltd. Click Here