Laos, School Feeding Programme (2014-2016): an endline evaluation

The end-line evaluation for United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Mc-Govern Dole Food for Education Grant supported School Feeding Programme FY14-16 award cycle (hereafter referred to as FY14) in Lao PDR was commissioned by WFP country office Lao PDR between February-June 2018.
The objective of the evaluation was to assess the implementation and performance of the FY14 award and generate recommendations that will strengthen and inform the operational and strategic decision-making for the FY17 award rollout. The evaluation served the dual purpose of accountability and learning. It assessed the performance and results of the implementation and determined the causalities towards achieving or missing the results.
The evaluation has provided an evidence-based independent assessment of the performance of the operation that would enable WFP and program partners to take informed operational and strategic decisions for the FY17 award. The evaluation methodology was guided by the ToR underpinned by the results framework of the FY14 programme. The difference in status of indicators over the programme period was examined by comparing the baseline data with that of the end-line through desk review and primary survey. Data from the primary survey was triangulated to assess its reliability. Gender Equality and Empowerment of Women (GEEW) was mainstreamed by disaggregating all school-level data by sex, and the sampling of students was done to ensure an equal representation of boys and girls. The sample was spread across seven provinces covering ten districts. 60 schools were sampled covering 1155 students from Grade 1 to 5. It also included 984 parents, 58 cooks and storekeepers, 57 school heads, and 58 teachers. Additionally, 88 qualitative discussions were also held with parents, cooks, storekeepers, school head, teachers, and Village Education Development Committees (VEDC). The survey tools were translated to Lao language for easy administration of the tools.